Monday, 31 October 2011


The BBC have an interactive learning section to their company called Bitesize, which provides e-learning revision and games for GCSE schools. Bitesize covers all national curriculum topics and is apart of key stages 1, 2 and 3.
My Maths is a UK based portal for schools and teachers to access Interactive White Board games and e learning material.,Schools buy into a 1 year license and have access to all the material on the website. My Maths only covers mathematical topics, which means there could still be an opportunity to expand on such an idea.

Research - 3 Similar Companies.

Task for this week is to research 3 similar companies, which can give you inspiration towards your own product or business idea.

Company 1.


Epic win is an I Phone application, which allows users to incorporate a game into their every day tasks. The game works by creating a To Do List and each task has it’s own point scoring system. So the more points/tasks you do on your list, the more powerful your character gets and the further you progress through the game.

Selling: Available on I Tunes app store

Online marketing: youtube, vimeo, Itunes Application Store.

Target audience: 7+ (To who ever has an I phone and a list that needs doing).

Price: $2.99

Category: productivity

Management: A small independent game studio called Supermono manages the product.

Company 2.

Produces math’s games for Interactive white boards. The product is designed to make planning less time consuming and much easier to plan for teachers.

Selling: Online, with a sign up system for £10, which gives you access to all their sources.

Customers: Aimed at teachers or schools who are in need of a faster teaching solution.

Management: The games and the website are managed by a primary school teacher, who wanted an easier solution to his lessons.

Company 3

Crayon Physics Deluxe

Crayon Physics is a game created by KlooniGames. The game is a puzzle game that is based around the concept of physics. The game works by the user having to draw obstacles, to get their ball to hit a floating star. Once the star is caught, you can move onto the next level, which then progresses onto harder islands and other aspects of physics.

Selling: Available online, form

atted for PC, MAC and mobile phones.

This product is available for ages 4+.

Cost £4.99 for I phone

Management: Klooni Games Ltd manages this product.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

SWOT Analysis -

SWOT is Strengths, weaknesses, Opportunies and Threats. SWOT analysis is there to ensure that you think of every positive and negative spectrum your business or idea can give.

Here is my SWOT analysis for the IWB e - learning game idea.

Friday, 14 October 2011

2 Minute Pitch Review - Apart from my pitch being awfully cheesy, I feel that I managed to put across my idea in a good enough fashion. However, there are a few changes that I would make differently, should I need to do it again. The first change would be to wear a better jumper, that doesn't roll down, I only say this because I've noticed that throughout the presentation I am constantly fiddling with it. Another aspect I would change would be my pronunciation of certain words, for example, instead of saying "theme of work" I should have said "scheme of work". Also another issue is that I talked over my allotted 2 minute period, which I'm surprised the teacher didn't saying anything on (thank goodness).

As for the audience feedback, I found it to be very constructive and has raised my awareness to the different directions I could take this project.

2 Minute Pitch

Following on from our previous lesson, when we were coming up with entrepreneur ideas for businesses and products. Our next task is to pitch a two minute presentation of a personal business ambition or an idea.

Quick run down of pitch:

- My company provides e - learning game solutions for Interactive White Boards for children aged 5 - 11 that covers key stages 1 and 2 (years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). This will be implemented within the education system, i.e schools, colleges and universities.

(In using assets such as, social networks, online advertising on school sites and magazines, will be an effective way to market this product.

- The USP (unique selling point) of this product, is to establish a collaborative working environment, between the teacher and the students, through using a narrative interactive game.

- This would collaborate with teaching methods used from the National Curriculum and will be interchangeable according to their schemes of work.

- These e - learning game solutions could then be adapted for any screen base media, such as computer, mobiles and tablets.

For the level designs for each of the game levels, will follow the catergories of the attainment targets 1- 6, which are used in the Nation Curriculum.
Initial Idea
Following up on my 3 business ideas, I plan to investigate the business and development possibilities with creating e - learning games for the Interactive White Boards (IWB).

Interactive White Boards - Research

- Through my research I have found that there are in fact a number of different Interactive white boards, which are being used world wide, in schools, businesses and universities.

Promethean IWB

Two of the best selling companies for IWBs are Promethean and SMART. Promethean runs a software learning kit called ActivInspire, that enables students to engage and learn certain topics. SMART is another company that specializes in building interactive touch screen technology and is one of the commonly used interactive white boards used around in schools, businesses and education.


- Looking into detail about the IWB, I can see how it can affect teaching, because of the touch screen interactivity, it could lead to lessons taking longer and also it diverts the attention more on the technology, rather on what is actually being learned. However, the structure on how the IWB is used in teaching their students, is up to the teacher to decide. Therefore, the speed and the rate on which the pupils are learning can be adjusted accordingly. - This website talks about how they are creating cheaper interactive white boards, that don't actually need the use of a board, which will cut down the cost of the product. This website also gives teaching tips for e - learning games.

Monday, 3 October 2011


Venture Culture DAT304
This modules introduces students to the concepts of entrepreneurship through the practical exploration of individual, collaborative and organization creative enterprise. Generating new ventures within the creative industries, the formation of prototype companies enables students to rehearse the commercialization of their practice.

Task One - Week 9
+ Think up 3 creative industry business ideas and proposals.

Game Development company for E - learning solutions
E - learning solutions for educational purposes - Provides mobile, online and printing methods to bring learning to an interactive and entertaining level.

Marketing Strategies
- Target games to specific audiences in schools.
- Online, use online mediums for advertising and worldwide usage.
- Mobile, use mobile phone applications for other means of entertainment and learning at the same time

Important - Target audiences, topics and what makes the company special.

Example company: Mutant Labs,

E - Learning - Whiteboard Games
As a new method of getting kids interested in technology and in learning, schools are now integrating interactive whiteboards. Interactive Whiteboards are connected to a computer, which is then displayed on a multitouch screen. The user uses a pen or in some cases their finger to control all the elements on the screen. Interactive whiteboards presents an opportunity to develop e - learning games that can cooperate along side the teachers subject and that can get students more engaged in learning.

Marketing: Schools, Magazines, Universities and online sources.

Product Design Company

Develop a unique style or brand that can be embedded inot a variety of products. (Clothes, Mugs, Sports Wear, Magazine promotions).

Marketing Strategies
- Online marketing, social networks
- Magazine advertising and promotional packages
- Approach other companies for product development

Example company: Toki Doki,